Complete Features

2 Factor Authentication
Add another layer of security to all your accounts (admin/teacher/employees etc.) and authenticate your login with OTP.

OTP Based Login
We added a seamless login system for students, teachers on our Vedmarg app and they can login with OTP easily.

Session Switcher
Switch to any session to check data/records of any session or students with a single-click. Yes, you don't need to go back to anywhere.

Admin Login
Admin can create unlimited employee roles, employees, teachers and students. Admin can assign permissions anytime.

Accounts Login
Accounts login to manage al financial data and records and filter out the fee defaulters and export the excel sheet.

Teacher Login
Teacher can login and keep updating the records of students, notes, study material and can organize online quiz for students.

Parent's Login
Parents can login to our app and can check the fee and academic records of all their wards/children within a single account.

Student Login
Students can track their fee records, marksheets, documents, reminders, quizzes, and realtime notifications on app.

Class Management
Create class as per your requirement with custom details like logo, name, slug and sections. You can edit anytime.

Student Management
All the information of every single student can be effectively managed and reviewed on this platform like fee records, ID cards, etc.

Siblings Management
Manage siblings of any parent at a single place, collect fee by parent, manage records in a single entry or separately.

Teacher Management
You can view the schedule, reports, activities, and class timings of every single teacher using the software.

1 Click Import
Just upload the excel sheet with the student details and its done! Also, we have sample excel file for reference.

1 Click Export
We have integrated 1 Click Export features where you can export complete details or customise as per your need.

1-Click Promotion
Migrate all/specific students to new class & section according to your requirements. Old data will be saved forever.

Biometric Attendance
Automate your students' & staff attendance through biometric device integration and send absent/present SMS/notifications.

Staff Attendance
Easy marking of attendance for staff (teachers & employees) and maintain records of their leaves and save excel/pdf anytime.

Students Attendance
Manage the attendance of all the students and mark through ERP or teacher's app & reduce the chances of errors.

Fees Management
It allows you to manage the balance fees, submitted fees, incoming payments, and receipts of students in one place.

Late Fee Fine System
Apply late fee fine according to any kind of fee and make it daily, or monthly. Students can pay fee and fine through their apps.

Transport System
Helps the school to manage transportation efficiently. You can check the route of every single student.

Online Fee Payment
Student/parent can pay due fees online via credit cards, UPI, digital wallet, net banking and other online payment modes.

Due Fee Records
Filter out students with last year dues and forward next year with the student without any hassle and link with any fee/month.

Fee Defaulters Students
Find out defaulter students according to months, fee types, last year dues and send a reminder SMS & push notifications

Leads & Inquiry
Create leads and inquiries for admission, create followups, check history and convert into admission with a single click.

Fee Follow-ups
A easy to use fee follow-up system to track fee as per the student/parents' commitment and update accordingly.

Permission Management
Assign permissions to any teacher or employees out of 300+ permissions according to their work that they do exactly.

Admit Card
Admin/teacher can generate admit cards for various tests/exams and filter out the fee defaulters to collect fee before admit cards.

Expense Management
Manage all your school's expense in Vedmarg. You can track records of monthly expense and download custom reports/excel.

Custom Excel Download
Highly customized options to download excel file for students, fees and other data. Just select options you need and download.

Push Notifications
It facilitates to send UNLIMITED push notifications to all students, specific students or class-wise, anytime.

SMS Alerts
The portal has the potential to strengthen communication by sending SMS Alerts to Students, Teachers, and Parents.

ID Cards
The software allows the students to generate their ID Card with 1 click. They just need to enter their required details.

Home Work
Teachers can assign home work to all students according to their time-table with title, description and pictures and check online.

Marksheet Management
Just 1 single click and marksheet is ready. Generate all student's marksheets and download/view pdf file.

TC Management
Admin/teacher can generate TC of students by a single click and student/parents can view/download TC from web/app.

Questions Management
Create/import unlimited questions (MCQs, true false, short/long ans.) one-time and use in coming tests, exams over the years.

Online Quizzes
The students can participate in the online quizzes to analyze and examine their capabilities & knowledge.

Exam & Results
The software allows students to give online assessments, and generate a report card of each student.

Online Test
School, College or Institute can organise online tests for students. Students can attempt online tests through their mobile apps.

Questions Papers
On this platform, teachers can generate multi-type of question papers, and share with the class to attempt online.

This feature allows students, teachers, and staff members to share their documents with the school and vice-versa.

Finance Report
100% customized finance reports are available with filter of students, class, section, fee types, defaulters, dues etc.

Trash Management
Deleted any students or teacher by mistake? Don't worry, trash feature will allow you to restore in a single click.

Class & Teacher Timetable
Timetable management has become easier. It allows students & teachers to check their timetables by its App.

This feature can be used by students, teachers, or by schools. It allows adding a reminder for any specific purpose.

Birthday Announcement
View all the today's birthdays and upcoming list of student's birthdays on dashboard. Send a birthday msg with single click.

Custom Fee Receipt
We offer dynamic setting for a single receipt on a A4 paper or set two copies on a A4 paper or set 4 copies on same paper.

Teacher can assign unlimited assignments to students according to their time-table and students can see/submit through our mobile apps.

Custom Reports
Download custom reports as per your requirement like fee defaulters, class wise, section wise, month wise, fee type wise.

Study Material
This feature enables the teachers to share the study material and notes (.doc, .pdf, .ppt, notes, YouTube video, recorded video etc)

Document Management
Upload/download documents for students/teachers/employees as much as you need.

Video Lectures
Upload videos direct on server or via youtube (get views there) according to class/section/subject/book wise.

Subject Management
Create subjects for each class and section wise and assign teachers and then get timetable setting properly.

Books Management
In addition to Library Management, Books Management helps the school in managing the whole inventory of the books.

News & Updates
This feature allows the school to share the latest news and updates with its students, teachers, and staff members.

Employee Management
Share access of ERP with all your employees and assign permissions according to their work and monitor their activities.

Blocks Management
Create unlimited blocks/zone/groups to categorise your students, filter anytime to download in pdf or excel.

Gallery & Achievements
Share your pictures, videos of events, activities, celebrations and achievements with students & they can view/share via mobile apps.

Certificates Management
create unlimited types of certificates from 20+ designs, 100+ controls, and customizations. Bonafide, character, sports, student and all...

Extra Income
If you are earning extra income such as trip fees, bus on rent, ground on rent, cafeteria, etc., you can manage through this ERP.

Keep an eye on total income and expense of your organization and check it out through ledger module and apply filters.

Student's Rank
Automatic rank system on mark-sheet/report cards according to class/section/stream. Filter/sort out students with their ranks.

Report Card
Students can download/share their report cards through their student mobile app after logging to their account.

Shortcut Buttons
It doesn't matter what you are doing, you can use shortcut buttons to add leads, students, staff, SMS and much more...

Stream Management
Assign stream to students in any class/section and filter out students easily and generate excel/pdf file to process the data.

House Management
An ultimate module to manage houses, their master, captain, vice-captain, objectives and everything. Just create and assign students.

Day Book
A robust module to download or print day book transactions for a particular day. It supports print, download in excel file.

Apply Leave
An automated leave management system for schools, colleges, and institutes. Students, parents, and teachers can apply for leaves.

Learn 'n' Fun
Learning is very easy with learning games for students. Vedmarg offers wide range of fun games and activities on their apps.

Feedback System
This is the major part for improving the operations and day-to-day activities. Anyone can share complaints, feedback, suggestions,

Web Notifications
Vedmarg offers notifications on web browsers for various activities, tickets, notices and SMS updates sent from ERP to students on apps.

Online Quiz
Online quiz system is here to measure t the skills of students on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Organise unlimited quiz anytime.

Active Sessions
Admin or staff can see their active sessions where their user ID is logged in. They can logout session from other devices.

Ticket System
Anyone from School, College or Institute can raise a ticket for support, sales, guidance, error/bugs and get response within 12 hours.

coming soon...
New features/modules will be live once the development and testing is completed. Having any new requirements? Click here...