Fee Management Software, Features, Fee Management System, School Management Software

Why Do Schools Need Fee Management Software and What Are Major Features

Fee Follow Up Management Software

Fee collection and management is indeed a crucial task for schools and institutes. Earlier, school staff members used to collect the fee manually from the parents & students, and offer them a hard copy of the printed fee receipt. It was tedious to manage the fee collection process. But with the advancement and innovation in technology, schools started opting for cloud-based school fee management software, which is a reliable, efficient, and smoother solution to manage school administrative tasks. 

School fee management software is an automated software that regulates the entire fee collection process of a school. It eliminates the accounting errors and duplicate entries that were common in the traditional management system. The fee management system is a significant aid to help the school authorities in performing finance-related operations. Using this software, tasks such as fee collection, fee receipt generation, customized fee structure, fee discounts, real-time tracking, controlling the cash management process, etc. can be easily done with School Fee Software.

In order to move forward, you are required to create classes and their sections first. After that, you can add students to their respective classes to stimulate the online fee collection activity.

Read this article to learn how you can create classes, sections, and books in Vedmarg ERP.

How to Add Classes, Subjects and Books for Timetable and Result Card

Features of a School Fee Management Software


Easy Fee Collection

Earlier, The parents and students had to stand in long queues to deposit the school fees. The cloud-based fee management system is a secure platform that has enabled them to perform monetary transactions. A payment gateway is integrated into the system that executes the transactions in a secure manner. 

Report Generation

The analytics dashboard gives you all the information in one place to track the details of all those students whose fee is pending. You can view and download the fee payment reports. Here are some types of reports generated by Vedmarg School ERP:

  • Daily fee collection log
  • Daily fee collection report
  • Fee structure report
  • Transport wise students report
  • Student-wise fee structure report
  • Fee defaulters report
  • SMS reports
  • and many more…

In addition to fee reports, you can create a CBSE report card/mark sheet using Vedmarg school software.

Read this article to learn how you can create a CBSE mark sheet online.

How to Create a CBSE Marksheet on Vedmarg School ERP Software?

Customized Fee Structure

The software lets you set up the fee structure as per your needs. Vedmarg is very flexible and capable of setting up any kind of fee structure. Vedmarg team is very active and always ready to set up your school management software as per your requirements. Here you can set these types of fees:

  • Monthly
  • Annually
  • Term wise
  • Semester wise
  • Dress /Uniform / ID Card / Exams etc
  • Last year dues
  • Specific fees for old/new students

Cloud-Based Data Backup

Cloud ERP software provides an easy data backup facility. 


All the financial data and records are secured within the cloud system. 

SMS Alerts

The system provides real-time notifications via SMS, and email to update the parents and students about the fee payments and dues. Vedmarg has the facility to send SMS automatically on various events/actions, like:

  • Absent SMS if any student is not present in school
  • Fee collection SMS when someone pays the fees
  • Fee collection SMS when someone pays the fees online through a payment gateway
  • Birthday SMS to students on their birthday
  • and many more…

Advantages of a School Fee Management System

Top Benefits of Fee Management Software for Schools in 2023

Easy Data Access

School ERP software offers a centralized platform to access all the data of various departments remotely from anywhere at any time. This certainly improves the productivity of the institution to a great extent. It removes all chances of errors that can happen during the manual calculation. 

Easy and safe payment option for Parents

Earlier, The parents had to visit the school from their busy schedule in order to pay the tuition fee of their child. But, school management software enables them to pay school fees from their comfort zone.  

Accounting becomes extremely Easy

School fee software has helped schools and institutions to save time, money, and finance effectively. It has eliminated the entire usage of paperwork in managing school records. Finance management has become much easier than ever before. 

How Vedmarg Helps in Fee Collection and Management 

Vedmarg School Management Software offers a convenient solution for schools to regulate, monitor, and control the entire fee management process. We have 2 applications on the Google Play Store as of now: 

Admin Panel

Vedmarg School Admin App - Google Play StoreVedmarg admin application is dedicated to school administrators who will have a centralized view of all the departments to track the daily activities of the school. Vedmarg ERP lets you simplify the fee management process where you will get a real-time payment summary and report for each particular payment made to the school. The admin application is empowered with 80+ modules that cover each and every aspect related to school management. 

Student Application

Vedmarg Student App - Google Play StoreVedmarg student application is a dedicated application for students where they can view, track, and monitor their attendance, performance, and all student-related records. 

Our development team is working on the ‘Parent Portal’. We will launch it by the end of this year. To book a free demo, drop a message or call us at +91-7500996633 to get all the details.

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